AFAR's Mission

To support and advance Healthy Aging through Biomedical Research

Watch our Live Longer, Live Well video (right) to explore how a better world for older people is a better world for everyone.

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Wed May 29, 2024, 3pm ET

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AFAR's Grant Programs




Talented Investigators



Million Funded

Green Spotlight Microscope

Investing in Talent

Novel Interventions

Believing in Innovation


New York Times News Item Logo Template
AFAR Experts in the News: Andrew Dillin, PhD, and Matt Kaeberlein, PhD , on “Why Do We Age?” in The New York Times
Prevention news
AFAR Live Better Longer column launches with Prevention: Debut Article Spotlights SuperAgers Family Study
GQ Logo
AFAR Grantee in the News: Matt Kaeberlein, PhD, in GQ on the longevity gap between the sexes
New York Times News Item Logo Template copy
AFAR Leadership in the News: AFAR Scientific Director Nir Barzilai, MD, on the presidential candidates’ health in The New York Times
News Item Logo Template Aging Cell
AFAR Experts in the News: Seven AFAR experts co-author new research on a genetic mutation that could promote longevity and protect those predisposed to Alzheimer’s in Aging Cell
Encouraged by AFAR Amplifying Geroscience Initiative, Congress is directing NIH to tabulate annual spending on geroscience research

AFAR's Leadership

AFAR provides infrastructure support and leadership for three initiatives funded by the National Institute on Aging (NIA).

NSC Whitebox

Providing leadership in the pursuit of basic research into the biology of aging

RCCN White Box

Catalyzing cross-disciplinary research across the NIA center programs

Clin STAR White Box

A national platform to advance transdisciplinary aging research

The TAME Trial

The AFAR-managed TAME (Targeting Aging with Metformin) Trial will establish a proof-of-concept that aging processes can be treated, just as we treat diseases.

The TAME Trial ultimately seeks the FDA to make aging an "indication" for treatment.

If aging is made an indication, the TAME Trial will mark a paradigm shift: from treating each age-related medical condition separately, to treating these conditions together, by targeting aging per se.

Learn about the TAME Trial
Public statements by individual AFAR employees, affiliates, or Board members do not imply endorsement by AFAR. AFAR’s viewpoints are expressed only through official releases after approval by its Executive Director or Board of Directors.

AFAR is grateful for the collaboration and support of our program partners, including:

Gilbert Foundation logo 2024 Green
Glenn White Box

David Gore

Hevolution whitebox
Mc Knight Whitebox
Sagol Whitebox

AFAR is proud to consistently receive the highest ratings from respected charity evaluators

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